Monday, 18 June 2007
Still can't believe !
Dear Diary,
I just want to get things off my chest ....
I am still not believing the fact that you are leaving and it shreds my heart , it's like i know but i am not yet believing .... it's very hard to have you away with that long distance because i am gona miss you so much so much , getting up in the morning knowing that you are not there , coming back home and i know i can't chat or tell you my little stories , and not fighting with you like we always do and then we dont talk for a while , and i start calling and you shout , or yell and then we are back perfect and laugh at the silly things we do , i am gona miss that ........ nagging like old people when u make me angry or when u shush me , then we hang out together , i get jealous and you tell me to stop acting like kids as if you dont ...... weekends wont have any flavour .... i'll feel kinda of lonely because u do occupy a big part of my life and having u away wont be easy on me and i do feel this travel is different than any other one .. dont know why ....... it just hurts me :'( i am gona miss you my dearest ...... my beloved friend, sister and everything .......... i love you so much .. I really wish you a great travel , just keep in mind that i am gona miss u like no one .....
Urs TL
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