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Sunday 12 April 2009
Stop Harming Children, just stop it

Children are angels from heaven and all of them are equal in innocence and purity. Yet, they are different in circumstances and need. A child builds his/her character till the age of seven years which is so vivid in the way they interact with their surroundings. So to have a successful parenting, parents should focus on their children well being and advancement. Scientifically, the adult is the problem in child raising, not the child. In other words, parents should explore the best techniques to be followed with their children rather than blaming them or hurt them emotionally or physically.

Let’s go back to the main point I am trying to raise here which made me fused up and put all my annoyance into words. Some parents lack parental skills which lead children to go astray or end them in having psychological problems. Surprisingly, I was completely shocked and astonished with the brutal attack the kid Nouf has been exposed to from her heartless step mother. The woman excuse was that Nouf is so stubborn and she needed to be taught a lesson. What an excuse!

Nouf was subjected to severe physical torture with no mercy. She had her body burned with hot metal tool, ironed, beaten and shamefully with the knowledge of her father. This innocent kid who has been treated so badly is in the hospital getting a medical care. I just want to know where we are living. How people can neglect all the Islamic values and treat children with such aggression.

“The Prophet gave an example of someone who will be admitted to Paradise because he gave water to a thirsty dog, and another example of a woman who will be sent to Hell because she locked a cat in a cage, without feeding it or letting it go free”. If such punishment concerned a woman who had such an act with an animal, then the punishment is severe when the torture involves a human being.

Justice is needed and the tragic situation must be taken into consideration and fairness to help the abused child Nouf and provide her with the needed care. Also the court should give the custody of Nouf to her mother because of the father’s negligence.

From this horrific cruelness, I really see that we should put strict rules to prevent such child abuse and neglect. Besides, the awareness on how to raise healthy children and how to communicate with them in the country is very crucial. Since violence shouldn’t be used heartlessly with children, such awareness is extremely needed. There are always other ways to deal with children. Parents should be protecting kids not harming and overwhelm them with fear and harm. “Stop Harming Children, just stop it”.

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Monday 10 March 2008
My Abscense Lately !

Lately I was kinda of chaos from the inside and I couldn’t write or access blog, facebook or any other socializing utility in the internet. It’s like some part of me needed so badly some privacy and so demanding to be isolated from the internet world, maybe even the outside-internet world as well. Thinking gives me headache but I started my thinking and filtering phase to know exactly what I am up to and who I want or I don’t want to be with the coming years. Thinking of the best way to recreate my goals and understand exactly what I want to make or accomplish for the sake of clarifying my vision in life and make the picture so vivid in my mind.

I started asking myself some constructive questions, where are you going with this? What works? What am I responsible for? What are the facts? What’s the big picture? What are my choices? What’s possible?

These questions made me able to stop and step backward a little to see why things went wrong and why some situations made my chest tightened up. I was telling my inside that I am not infallible and even the best ideal wise people can make mistakes which means I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. I should really learn how to let it go. I learnt that if you really have the best relationship ever, you have to remember the bigger picture which means you shouldn’t always prove that you are right, your relationship is more important than that. It’s really not a competition. I learnt that there is always the more and the less important in life where prioritization comes. I learnt that people can go through different experiences than yours which make every person in life unique and different, so we shouldn’t start the comparison game.

I learnt that patience plays a great role when dealing with any person regardless who that person is and many people can make mistakes but again you should forgive them. It's right that some people you won’t be able to be with them like you used to be but you deserve to sense forgiveness for the sake of clearing your conscious. I learnt that some people who always try to make you down should be ignored and kept in the corner. People who constantly lower your self-esteem don’t deserve your attention. You cannot change people but you can change yourself as the saying goes “We cannot adjust the wind, but we can adjust the sails”. I learnt that sometimes changing your path in life can reach you to the happiness world. I learnt that when you are mad at someone, just say it to do not make it pile up and get so angry on the other person.

The lines might go on forever but I just wana end up with a conclusion. Don’t wait for tomorrow to change yourself, you might struggle to be that new open minded person but it’s worth trying. Roll up your sleeves and start rebuilding your new path that will subsequently direct you to happiness and put you on the feel-good frequency.

Special thanks for my soul mate and amazing best friend , her existence in my life and her support is so appreciated .. Luv ya

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Monday 14 January 2008
My Decision !

well, i know most of you will say , oh "from where did the sun rise today" .. i know it has been a pretty long time from the last day i posted , but here i am back again ;)

lately i was very confused, depressed, annoyed, obssessed, in other words mixed up with emotions because i had some issues , besides trying to make the biggest decision ever , which is "finding a new job" .. i had to choose between "big salary, nice position" with no appreication and non proffessioanl environment .. or "fair enough salary, lower position" with appreciation and good environment .. in my case i chose the second one which made me resign .. i do believe that what goes right for you doesn't have to go right for others .. every person has different notion , behavior and goals .. and my vision was totally different than many which made me came up with such a decision .. we cannot judge others because we dont really know how they feel unless we are in their shoes ..

and my piece of advice is "never love the place and the people" , "love the work" because if you loved the place , you'll never make a step to move forward even if your skills in a place are deteriorating .. if that day comes where you dont find youself improving whatsoever in your job, here you can mke your move by finding another job ... and i do believe that no place is perfect but there is always bad and worse ..

i remember one of my colleagues once said, you know TL we shouldn't be so positive because the negative will happen .. but i just told her , you are totally wrong , you should always be positive no matter what, but you should not have a very very high expectation on anything because if something didnot meet your expectation you'll fall in a very big disappointment .. in my new job i am positive but i am not expecting a lot ..

Here a small poem i wrote and sent to all my colleagues on my last day

A fresh graduate I was in 2004
Many skills where there to explore
Some problems were there to handle
If they are solved we light a candle
Working on statistical reports was a start
Those made me feel somehow smart
Getting SQL stuck makes the server down
Running reports at 2:00 was just fine
A system analyst I was in 2005
It was like a new path for me to drive
Many colleagues where there to meet
Many colleagues where there to compete
New unforgettable comers where there to greet
Some problems and concerns we had to repeat
Bad memories we had to delete
Good memories we had to retrieve
A qualified employee I was in 2006
More problems where there to fix
And some useful situations where there to tick
Great people they had to leave
New reliable people came to achieve
“When the goings get tough, the tough gets going” we had to believe
A senior employee I was in 2007
My thoughts almost reached eleven
From the thoughts I made a decision
Moving to another job was my vision
Unforgettable managers and colleagues you are
Good listeners and helpful for sure you were
In my memory, most of you will be thinkable
So let me be thinkable
I am sure in my absence you’ll progress
Be active and forget the stress
Be active and think of the success
If you were upset, think of the bless
If you were mad, just express
And if you needed a help, you know my email address
Sorry, but last depressing words for you to say
A fact that I cannot deny anyway
IT section, it’s time to say goodbye
A resigned employee I am now in 2008

Best of Luck

I really would like to thank all the employees who shocked me with their surprise in my last day which made me so flattered .. some made me cry to see their tears , it's right that u never value a person until he is gone..

~ the cake

~ the gifts , "Thanks" ..

P.s: Thanks bestie for baring my mumbles over these years of not being happy in my previous job .. <3 .. you are a real BF

Gd Day !

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Tuesday 27 November 2007
Terrible Fall !

Horrible scream, pain, dizziness, crowd and continued tears were all played after one fall. I had the worst fall ever yesterday night which made me unable to move and thankfully it wasn’t risky after I got checked up by x-ray. I did not imagine that I’d be released from the hospital. I slipped and fell so hard down 4 stairs on my back. I already fell one week back which made this fall more painful, since I was in the recovery phase. The pain was too bad to the extent that it made me shiver until I reached the hospital. Once I’ve been put on the wheelchair and entered into the hospital, millions of thoughts came in mind and I just wanted all my beloved to surround me, nothing more.

I started to repeat the prayers inside my heart, asked Allah to make this pain less severe and go away. I just remembered the accident my mom and I had in 2000 where my mom had some parts broken and it took her 3 years to recover, it was so tragedy. I know it’s irrelevant but I just thought of it. I started to say inside my heart “God, hopefully nothing is broken”.
The doctor diagnosed me and asked the nurses to get my back x-rayed. Holding my mom’s hand so hard, calling my beloved and pleading them to be so close with tears rolling on my cheeks. Waiting waiting waiting for the result, every minute was like a year.

Finally the doctor told me that the x-ray shows that nothing is serious and he told me that this is only a bruise on my tailbone and within one week, I’ll be fine. After getting the injection, I’ve been a bit able to take the pain and sleep. I reached home at almost 4:00 am which made me so demanding to go into a very deep slumber. I always minimize the number of tablets when I get them from the hospital but this time, I couldn’t use my bad habit with this pain. It’s like I am so punctual to get the painkiller on time.

P.S: sorry for making you so scared, I wouldn’t be able to feel good if u were not with me. Love u.

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Tuesday 20 November 2007
~ No Time

We usually repeat the word ‘no time’ to people ears every now and then because of our ritual hectic routines and full long schedule as we always state. The word ‘no time’ became a label that we stick it on every single day. It became like saying ‘hi’ or ‘goodbye’. For Muslims, it’s like saying “salam 3laikum”. “How’s Mr. No time”. “Ya don’t worry he’s been added to my calendar.
Well for me, today was like running in a loop that has no end. Going out of work, then university, attending the class where the listening session starts. In this session you should just listen, listen, listen and you must be extremely focused not sending messages, talking or doing anything else. It’s crazy.
~ Driving to home ..
From the amount of gained knowledge, you feel that your brain is aching, and you don’t really feel like listening to a single word when you are back home, otherwise you’ll be turned to be monster. It makes you say god why am I so busy? What am I building with my current lifestyle? Is that future costing me my present? I cannot accept any request, invitation or any which makes me so angry on myself. But again I go back hold my horses and calm myself that TL you should bare with that, as the saying goes “after every hardship comes ease”.

When I was out of university, I wanted to fuel myself with a lovely conversation with my bestie which always makes me feel so good. Listening to my siblings requests which I hate :P and that until I reach home.
Every busy person who always has ‘no time’, should streamline his/her life because without finding a way, definitely reaching your goal would be difficult.
This means we should focus on the necessary things and overlook stuff that can consume our energy for nothing. “Pick carefully who and what you let into your life”. Try to reduce the time you spend online playing or surfing pages while you have deadlines or other important stuff to catch up with. Eliminating one of your unnecessary habits creates more energy for you to apply the needed changes.
Good night

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Thursday 8 November 2007
speaking my mind

Life is full of cruel, good and bad people and from the exposure you have with certain people in life, you become more aware of what quality they are. Definitely, you’ll realize in later stages what each person wanted or aimed at from their relationship with you. It aches you and it might make you feel chaos from the inside and sometimes it makes you shocked but you try to overlook that because anyways they are “People” in your life. People come, people go. For sure, I cannot judge a person in my life fairly unless I spent with him/her a very long duration. So here come the situations where you’ll understand if that person really deserves your attention even a quarter.

When you get a repetitive treatment from some of your friends, colleagues, family relatives, or family this makes you say definitely there is something wrong with me. I realized that we mostly blame ourselves for others obnoxious behavior. It’s their bad not ours.
Niceness what I thought is the best way of behaving and it makes others respect you fully. But unluckily niceness becomes a trigger of crudeness, lies, disrespect and many, you just name them. I won’t say we should be rude with others but I’ll say we should be nice and strict at the same time. Some people you can feel the tradition of respect in their blood and others you can feel the rudeness and the sophistication structured in their brain to the extent that you wonder how they reached that level of education or position. What a steel brain, a phrase that will ring in your ears whenever you deal with them.

Some of that kind of people love playing the wisdom or caring role where they start showing others how intellect or social being they are. But when you look at them in the eye, you can sense the amount of stupidity and lies because at the end they are acting to be the opposite. And if you face them, they try to make a fool of you. Surprisingly, they have a way that I can call a “disaster”, they keep convincing you of what they think and in their perspective you must be convinced. I call them “Mrs. Or Miss or Mr. has an opinion on everything thing”.

They begin to talk about people’s weaknesses, listing the minor ones and they never observe the major weaknesses they have. “We start to curse the life, and the curse is us”, a poem meaning that we start criticizing others and list their weaknesses, and we already have most of these weaknesses. “Give everything in your life the right amount”, and I have no disagreement on that. Give your surrounding only and only the amount they deserve. Nothing more and nothing less, and I can call that a golden rule that should be highlighted and followed in life.

some pics to share :)

baby Khalifa , cousin

Good Night :)

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~ TorturedLady is a woman with principles who doesn't care what others think or how would they react .. no matter what criticism she might get , she always passes by with pride because she is different .. ~ ..

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